TE10: Net.Create

Net create made me feel like I was working on something so scientific that it had to have multiple eyes on it at once. That page was so busy, and honestly reminded me of why group work had never been one of my strong suits. The number of bubbles with Sharon Leon (the author of a database article we used in class) that we’re created less than 5 minutes after I said I had created her node was absolutely hilarious. Of course, I do not blame my colleagues or peers for this, we’re we’re all trigger happy to be using the tool in class after our discussion, and it’s completely understandable to be faced with  communication and duplication errors in any sense when working with a collaborative tool like this.

An aspect in net.create week that I think really resonated with me was the examples we were shown. Like voyant, I got the sense that this tool may be more useful when trying to work with relationships and words, like dialogue between one another, such as charters or historical figures. We went around the room and talked about what we could use net.create for in the future, and I had to go first. I was pretty stumped in what to say so I just followed along with some of the examples and said I could work with correspondence letters from women to other women in the antebellum south, but not really with any cause in my head. Interestingly, I came up with a bit more fleshed out idea after the fact.

I think that it would be incredibly interesting to explore the idea of the “Bechdel test” using this tool. Because t shows correspondence, and the bechdel tests goes to prove whether a movie can be considered feminist, by showing if two women/female characters speak to each other about a topic other than a man/male character. I think showing this in this type of medium would be incredibly exciting.

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