About Me

Welcome to my blog! My name is Paige Magoto. I am a current History MA student at Clemson University. My roots extend to Ohio, West Virginia, and DC (where my dog and parents live currently), with a childhood marked by the nomadic lifestyle of an Air Force family, which led us across various corners of the United States and even to Japan. I received my undergraduate degree at Georgia College and State University in May of 2022 in History with a minor in political science. Throughout my undergraduate career, my personal interests have always been, most broadly, in the Civil War Era. Within that area I have done multiple case studies on the civil war wives, mothers. and daughters, specifically in the confederacy. My interests in union women have been more rooted in abolition, rather than the Civil War conflict. Some of this research has been through film study, and cross examination of these films and the scholarship surrounding them. For example, I compared three different versions of The Beguiled, the book and two films, in my undergraduate thesis project titled “Misogyny, Male Dominance, and male ascendence in the film industry”. This was a comparative essay on the films and books, as well as the scholarship surrounding the actions of confederate women in the civil war and their interactions union soldiers. Another film study I am incredibly proud of within my repertoire, was for a Colonial History course about the differences between Pocahontas’ perception through film and her scholarly perception. While I have focused on film study and find that to be a great interest of mine, I am capable of and interested in focusing solely on women of the civil war and women abolitionists motivations, actions, and importance. For example, I wrote a paper in my introduction to historical research and writing throughout the semester attempting to show the movement of women abolitionists from the domestic sphere to the political sphere in regard to their political opinions and actions, this was titled: “The Women of the Abolitionist Movement: The Gradual Transformation from a Strictly Domestic Sphere to a Political Agenda”.

You can find me at twitter, linked in, and view a portfolio of mine all linked within this sentence!

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